I use this . This page will allow you to plot between two different star systems for your fleet carrier. . Fleet Carrier Fuel Finder . Mining; Exploration; Material finder; Shield Tester; Multi Waypoint Planner; Mining Maps. Pristine Metallics Distances Calculator. Now let's get the Contingency Fuel (5% of the trip): 37,5 * 0,05 = 1,875USG (~ 2USG, be conservative!) Route Planner / Galactic Mapping / EDSM - Elite Dangerous Star Map The result will show you every system you need to route to. Welcome to Elite Dangerous Ship Builds. So if you are scooping fuel at 10/s, you will need to wait about 1 and a half minutes to collect a single tonne of fuel. It was introduced to the market in 3297 after decades of secretive development, and promptly rendered all other hyperdrives obsolete. "Jump exceeds drive fuel use limit of 0.60 tons......." :: Elite ... This app downloads your Cmdr's details and system, faction, scan and station data from the game and uploads them to the Elite Dangerous Data Network (EDDN). Modules with high power consumption generally produce more heat as long as they are active. For example, if the distance is 500 miles and consumption is 20 miles per gallon, then the fuel you will need for the entire distance is 500 / 20 = 25 gallons. Home; Guides. Time estimates are based on 20 minutes per jump and yielding 150 tonnes of tritium per hour mining for a single player. GPH = (0.50 x 300)/ 6.1 = 150/6.1 = 24.5 GPH. From: To: Related Gas Mileage Calculator | Fuel Cost Calculator. If you have a profile on Inara it can also upload Cmdr's details, ship . Stations - EDDB Stations with a commodities market allows you to buy and sell commodities from the local market. Your CMDR flies spaceships and participates in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way . . You can calculate an approximate time for distances measured in LS using this formula: ( distance in LS / 60m / 60s ) / 2001c = hours of travel + rough estimate to account for acceleration to max speed. Elite: Dangerous Database - EDDB Fuel Calculator - Calculate fuel cost, petrol needed, etc. Ships in Elite Dangerous are your 'character', and there is a massive number of permutations of combinations that exist with ship builds, including pilot skill. E:D Shipyard Both regular player activity, such as . The market economies are dynamic, affected by the trade of other commanders, NPCs and events that occur in the system. This is a site that offers specific builds to examine. The interactive map will help you manage your factories and can act as a save editor. If you are using gallons per 100 mi to measure consumption, then the formula for calculating the amount of fuel needed is: Fuel = Distance / 100 x . Commodities - EDDB The basic idea is that players use an EDDN client while playing the game and for instance if the player docks on a station, the latest station information is being transmitted to the EDDN network. Fuel | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom Lesson learned, I called the fuel rats and got a fuel scoop ASAP. GPH = (0.4 x 300)/ 7.2 = 120/7.2 = 16.6 GPH. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it. Yes. Guide to passenger missions in midgame - Steam Community Star systems have a different government, local laws, and market economy. Fuel economy is the amount of fuel / gas required to move a car / SUV over a distance.Fuel efficiency is the efficiency of converting energy contained in a carrier (car or SUV) gas /fuel to kinetic energy or work.Fuel / gas efficiency can mean the output one gets for a unit amount of gas input such as "miles per gallon" or "liters per 100 kilometers" for an car / SUV (sometimes called fuel . Elite: Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC) Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Frontier Developments' game "Elite Dangerous". This is a site that offers specific builds to examine. D Shipyard was created using assets and imagery from Elite: Dangerous . Also, an equation for the total fuel use over a certain distance is: F = (D*0.00000985*M+D*0.23609+10*D/J)/ (1-1/2*D*0.00000985) where F is overall fuel usage (t), M is the used space in the carrier ( without fuel ), D is the distance you want to travel, and J the length of each jump. Fuel Cost Calculator - Land Transport Authority Elite Dangerous Exploration Guide - Lave Wiki Show only systems with RES. If you have a profile on Inara it can also upload Cmdr's details, ship . Check out the CMRDs Toolbox: https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/-----. Pristine Metallic. Beyond the vital core services, the owner can decide which additional services to bring online and fund based on their cost, how much of the vessel's 25,000-tonne cargo capacity they will occupy, and whether or not they are suited for the role the owner envisions. . The Background Simulation Guide - Elite: Dangerous - Remlok Industries Search: Other Calculators. If . Shadowstrider by CMDR Prom3thean. Mileage Calculator All your Elite Dangerous Tools and guides in one place. How To: calculate the fuel required for your flight Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3308. Commodities in Elite: Dangerous - Average prices, maximum profit and station coverage Max Fuel: Discounts: Import Export (with stats) Max Cargo: Insurance: 1H Cargo Hatch: 1: PWR: 50% 100%. Ships in Elite Dangerous are your 'character', and there is a massive number of permutations of combinations that exist with ship builds, including pilot skill. As long as the fuel is so struggling. Pristine Metallic Max Fuel: Discounts: Import Export (with stats) Max Cargo: Insurance: 1H Cargo Hatch: 1: PWR: 50% 100%. Show all systems (including those farther than 60 ly from any inhabited) Show only inhabited systems. You need 1000 KGs to create a single tonne of fuel. Fuel consumed by conventional ships consists of hydrogen, which is fed into a ship's Power Plant and fused into helium under high pressure and temperature, thereby generating the energy necessary to run shipboard systems and weapons. The production planner will help you find what you need to build the factory you want. Your CMDR flies spaceships and participates in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way, trade between star systems, bounty-hunting wanted ships, discover alien lifeforms . When a ship activates its Frame Shift Drive, a large quantity of fuel is consumed all at once at the moment a jump to hyperspace begins, after a brief charging . E:D Shipyard Otis B.,Athanasius. (1000/10 = 100 seconds, which is 1.67 minutes). It is actually a work in progress, so we might add more waypoints later. EDSY was created using assets and imagery from Elite Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. This guide will help you assimilate the game information in order to better understand the why and wherefores of missions, how it fosters influences, systems states, minor factions. Fleet Carrier Owners Guide | Elite Dangerous - YouTube As long as the fuel is so struggling. [SCIM] Satisfactory - Calculator | Gaming Tool/Wiki/Database to empower ... Reference System. Depl: 12345. HIP 21991; Hyades Sector DB-X D1-112; Carrier Fuel Finder; Fleet Carrier Calculator; Other Tools; About; Home; Guides. ED Ship Builds The Fuel Rats are Elite: Dangerous's premier emergency refueling service. Fueling the galaxy, one ship at a time, since 3301. While in previous games in the series it was possible to explore uncharted systems, there was no in-game benefit for doing so. Heat | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom I would suggest to pick different kinds of them - one luxury, one first class and rest fill up with business and economy. FSD Low % Full; Unldn: T: Laden: MNV PITCH ROLL YAW; Unldn: Laden: SPEED 0P 4P BST . The only difference is more cabins. Other Tools — CMDRs ToolBox You control your own spaceship in which you can participate in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way, trade between star systems, participate in bounty-hunting wanted . Multi-Waypoint-Planner - Elite Dangerous — CMDRs ToolBox Fuel = Distance / Consumptionmpg. You should still have some backup cabins stored in case you need to change the outfit. Elite Dangerous. Drake-Class Carrier | Elite Dangerous Wiki | Fandom Fuel Scooping Guide Fuel can only be scooped from stars. Prices start at about 5 billion, although overall upkeep costs can spiral to 25 million a week once everything's upgraded. The Frame Shift Drive features two modes: supercruise . Retr: 12345. Keep in mind that these formulas apply when the engine is making peak horsepower, which usually is near wide-open throttle. Home | The Fuel Rats Shadowstrider by CMDR Prom3thean. Fleet Carrier Calculator — CMDRs ToolBox Elite Dangerous: Guide To Fleet Carriers - TheGamer The Hyperspace Fuel Equation, documented : EliteDangerous Carrier Fuel Finder - Elite Dangerous — CMDRs ToolBox This network is used to update the market data on sites like EDDB and Inara, as well as update newly found systems. Depl: 12345. Long answer: Not only EDDB but most of the Elite community websites are connected to a realtime data network called EDDN. . Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3307. Now we can calculate the trip time: 300NM / 120Knots = 2,5 hours (or 2:30, in a more convenient format) From the trip time and the cruise fuel consumption we get the Trip Fuel: 15USG/Hr * 2,5Hr = 37,5USG. Fuel Cost Calculator. Be aware: route planning assumes you have a fuel scoop. Pristine Metallic It will also let you know when you should gather more fuel. How to use Elite's route-planning tool. EDSY The map currently have 412 nodes, 729 slugs and 97 hard-drives. It also allows easier CO2 and fuel efficiency performance of different models as users can compare two different models of vehicles and . The ( really ) rough estimate to account for acceleration could be as follows: Over about 2000 kls, 15 minutes, Over 400 kls, 10 minutes, Fuel consumption of a Fleet Carrier : EliteDangerous - reddit Stations in Elite: Dangerous - search, filter, find and sort stations . Drake-Class Carrier and a Type-7. Fuel Scooping in Elite Dangerous - Lave Wiki . Age Date Time Hours GPA Grade Height Concrete IP . o7 Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3308. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! and find modules and ships! Firing weapons or receiving weapons fire can cause heat levels to spike rapidly. A collection of tools for the Satisfactory game from Coffee Stain Studios . L/100km Fuel Consumption Calculator The Background Simulation, or BGS, is a very fragile and hard to master feature with many mechanics. Show all systems (including those farther than 60 ly from any inhabited) Show only inhabited systems. Easy to use calculator to find out if you can afford a fleet carrier in Elite Dangerous This app downloads your Cmdr's details and system, faction, scan and station data from the game and uploads them to the Elite Dangerous Data Network (EDDN). Fleet Carriers have a weekly upkeep cost that can turn a lovely Elite Dangerous session into a desperate battle as you struggle to pay the loansharks for your ship.